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The timeless stone streets and Georgian architecture of Charleston, South Caroline draws visitors from all corners of the globe. On this specific afternoon, our travels took us slightly outside the Charleston city limits, through arches of Spanish moss and historic buildings before arriving at the iconic Middleton Place.

Middleton Place

Augusta & Grantland


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The sunlight was just starting to dip below the first mountain range, casting an incredible array of colors across the desert expanse. We looked at each other for probably the 200th time and simply said, “Can you believe this is happening?” Our rental car’s A/C was the only thing keeping us cool, especially since we […]

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We’ve all been there. You are invited to a party and you have an idea in your head of what it will be like. You show up, excited to hang out and enjoy the evening with your friends; but when you walk in the door, you suddenly realize “I am way underdressed for this.” We’ve […]

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The rush and busyness of the day had finally begun, but in this perfect moment, none of that mattered. She softly held the letter, her eyes focusing on every word that her soon-to-be husband had written to her earlier that day. On the other side of the building, the emotions were tangible in the room […]

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We drove down the coast as the sun dipped lower and lower towards the horizon. “This light is going to be PERFECT,” we thought as we pulled into New Buffalo for our next family shoot. Even though Josh has been in Michigan for almost 6 years, he is still learning about all of the towns […]

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We couldn’t help it. They all arrived to the photo shoot wearing red, white, and blue. This Saturday is the Fourth of July…and this adorable, amazing family had their outfits ON POINT! Like we said…it’s perfection just couldn’t be helped! Meet the “Stevenson-Extended-Family”! (Yes, we know that’s not all your last names…but since Lindsey did […]

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If you have driven on 73rd street in South Haven within the last year, then you are no stranger to the beautiful, barn-style building that has been raised right next to the interstate. The Black River Barn Wedding Venue is about to start its first year of business and they are already filling up their […]


Andrea had the talent, Josh had the dream, and once we started photographing weddings together, we’ve never looked back! We’ve personally experienced the beauty, joy, and growth marriage can bring, and we cannot wait to meet you and be your own personal cheerleaders from the proposal all the way through to your own wedding day.

soulmates and wedding photographers

Josh + Andrea


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